Information for Adopters
You are considering adopting a cat! Thanks for considering adoption over buying!
Cats are a long-term commitment and can live for up to 20 years. Do your research before adopting.
Prepare the basics before your cat’s arrival: Food, bowls, litter boxes, litter, scratching tools and sleeping furniture are essential. We can help with recommendations. Prepare ONE room as base camp for your kitten(s)/cat.
Other Cats and Children
If you already have another existing cat, there are some actions you can take to introduce both felines to each other. Do note that it rarely works to just “throw them in” together! Find out more:
If you have children, teach them how to gently interact with the cat, and learn appropriate play techniques.
Two is better than one
Kittens who grow up without the company of another cat may develop a higher risk of behavioral issues. It’s always better if a kitten grows up with another sibling or kitten of a similar age, as they learn appropriate behaviors from another cat’s social cues. Alternatively, having an adult cat in the same household can help the little one learn the ropes and pick up playing, hunting, and other cat skills!
Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of your cat’s health. They are obligate carnivores, which means they require the nutrients from meat in their diet to survive.
The best diet for your cat is a good mix of healthy kibbles and wet food. You may also include the occasional serving of cooked chicken and fish (without bones, and free of oil and seasonings).
Do always ensure that you provide fresh drinking water too.
General treatment
Cats often have very different personalities.
– never force a cat to be held or petted
– never strike a cat or punish it (hitting/yelling) for ‘bad’ behaviour (scratching, meowing).
Cats need to scratch – and if plenty of scratch posts and boards around they should avoid your furniture. Nail clipping also helps to avoid bad accidental scratches.
Vet visits and health care
Cats should be sterilised at around 3-4 months old. It is crucial to see a vet for continuing vaccinations, yearly check-ups or if your cat is unwell. You will receive a vaccination booklet from LUNI Lombok as well as reminders for sterilisation and vaccination follow-ups.
Holidays and Moving
Cats are territorial animals who do not like changes. When you travel, the ideal situation is to get a pet or house sitter who can take care of your cats in your home. If you’re unable to find someone suitable, you may contact LUNI Lombok for short-term boarding.
When adopting cats, do consider any future move and associated costs! It is very expensive and difficult to relocate your cats from Indonesia to other countries. LUNI Lombok can assist with that if necessary, but we strongly recommend that you find someone reliable to look after your feline family member if you move away.
Adoption fees and donations
On average, one kitten costs LUNI Lombok between IDR 500.000 to IDR 1.500.000 depending on medical treatments and the duration that the kitten stays with us. Adoption fees are not required, but we would be grateful for a donation amount of your choice.
Your kind contribution will go a long way towards helping us to care for other cats.